* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ namespace phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x; class release_3_0_6_rc1 extends \phpbb\db\migration\migration { public function effectively_installed() { return phpbb_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.6-RC1', '>='); } static public function depends_on() { return array('\phpbb\db\migration\data\v30x\release_3_0_5'); } public function update_schema() { return array( 'add_columns' => array( $this->table_prefix . 'confirm' => array( 'attempts' => array('UINT', 0), ), $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array( 'user_new' => array('BOOL', 1), 'user_reminded' => array('TINT:4', 0), 'user_reminded_time' => array('TIMESTAMP', 0), ), $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array( 'group_skip_auth' => array('BOOL', 0, 'after' => 'group_founder_manage'), ), $this->table_prefix . 'privmsgs' => array( 'message_reported' => array('BOOL', 0), ), $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array( 'pm_id' => array('UINT', 0), ), $this->table_prefix . 'profile_fields' => array( 'field_show_on_vt' => array('BOOL', 0), ), $this->table_prefix . 'forums' => array( 'forum_options' => array('UINT:20', 0), ), ), 'change_columns' => array( $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array( 'user_options' => array('UINT:11', 230271), ), ), 'add_index' => array( $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array( 'post_id' => array('post_id'), 'pm_id' => array('pm_id'), ), $this->table_prefix . 'posts' => array( 'post_username' => array('post_username:255'), ), ), ); } public function revert_schema() { return array( 'drop_columns' => array( $this->table_prefix . 'confirm' => array( 'attempts', ), $this->table_prefix . 'users' => array( 'user_new', 'user_reminded', 'user_reminded_time', ), $this->table_prefix . 'groups' => array( 'group_skip_auth', ), $this->table_prefix . 'privmsgs' => array( 'message_reported', ), $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array( 'pm_id', ), $this->table_prefix . 'profile_fields' => array( 'field_show_on_vt', ), $this->table_prefix . 'forums' => array( 'forum_options', ), ), 'drop_keys' => array( $this->table_prefix . 'reports' => array( 'post_id', 'pm_id', ), $this->table_prefix . 'posts' => array( 'post_username', ), ), ); } public function update_data() { return array( array('config.add', array('captcha_plugin', 'phpbb_captcha_nogd')), array('if', array( ($this->config['captcha_gd']), array('config.update', array('captcha_plugin', 'phpbb_captcha_gd')), )), array('config.add', array('feed_enable', 0)), array('config.add', array('feed_limit', 10)), array('config.add', array('feed_overall_forums', 1)), array('config.add', array('feed_overall_forums_limit', 15)), array('config.add', array('feed_overall_topics', 0)), array('config.add', array('feed_overall_topics_limit', 15)), array('config.add', array('feed_forum', 1)), array('config.add', array('feed_topic', 1)), array('config.add', array('feed_item_statistics', 1)), array('config.add', array('smilies_per_page', 50)), array('config.add', array('allow_pm_report', 1)), array('config.add', array('min_post_chars', 1)), array('config.add', array('allow_quick_reply', 1)), array('config.add', array('new_member_post_limit', 0)), array('config.add', array('new_member_group_default', 0)), array('config.add', array('delete_time', $this->config['edit_time'])), array('config.add', array('allow_avatar', 0)), array('if', array( ($this->config['allow_avatar_upload'] || $this->config['allow_avatar_local'] || $this->config['allow_avatar_remote']), array('config.update', array('allow_avatar', 1)), )), array('config.add', array('allow_avatar_remote_upload', 0)), array('if', array( ($this->config['allow_avatar_remote'] && $this->config['allow_avatar_upload']), array('config.update', array('allow_avatar_remote_upload', 1)), )), array('module.add', array( 'acp', 'ACP_BOARD_CONFIGURATION', array( 'module_basename' => 'acp_board', 'modes' => array('feed'), ), )), array('module.add', array( 'acp', 'ACP_CAT_USERS', array( 'module_basename' => 'acp_users', 'modes' => array('warnings'), ), )), array('module.add', array( 'acp', 'ACP_SERVER_CONFIGURATION', array( 'module_basename' => 'acp_send_statistics', 'modes' => array('send_statistics'), ), )), array('module.add', array( 'acp', 'ACP_FORUM_BASED_PERMISSIONS', array( 'module_basename' => 'acp_permissions', 'modes' => array('setting_forum_copy'), ), )), array('module.add', array( 'mcp', 'MCP_REPORTS', array( 'module_basename' => 'mcp_pm_reports', 'modes' => array('pm_reports','pm_reports_closed','pm_report_details'), ), )), array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'add_newly_registered_group'))), array('custom', array(array(&$this, 'set_user_options_default'))), array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.6-RC1')), ); } public function set_user_options_default() { // 229376 is the added value to enable all three signature options $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET user_options = user_options + 229376'; $this->sql_query($sql); } public function add_newly_registered_group() { // Add newly_registered group... but check if it already exists (we always supported running the updater on any schema) $sql = 'SELECT group_id FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . " WHERE group_name = 'NEWLY_REGISTERED'"; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $group_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('group_id'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!$group_id) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . GROUPS_TABLE . " (group_name, group_type, group_founder_manage, group_colour, group_legend, group_avatar, group_desc, group_desc_uid, group_max_recipients) VALUES ('NEWLY_REGISTERED', 3, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 5)"; $this->sql_query($sql); $group_id = $this->db->sql_nextid(); } // Insert new user role... at the end of the chain $sql = 'SELECT role_id FROM ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . " WHERE role_name = 'ROLE_USER_NEW_MEMBER' AND role_type = 'u_'"; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $u_role = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('role_id'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!$u_role) { $sql = 'SELECT MAX(role_order) as max_order_id FROM ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . " WHERE role_type = 'u_'"; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $next_order_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('max_order_id'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $next_order_id++; $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . " (role_name, role_description, role_type, role_order) VALUES ('ROLE_USER_NEW_MEMBER', 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_USER_NEW_MEMBER', 'u_', $next_order_id)"; $this->sql_query($sql); $u_role = $this->db->sql_nextid(); // Now add the correct data to the roles... // The standard role says that new users are not able to send a PM, Mass PM, are not able to PM groups $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE . " (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT $u_role, auth_option_id, 0 FROM " . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE auth_option LIKE 'u_%' AND auth_option IN ('u_sendpm', 'u_masspm', 'u_masspm_group')"; $this->sql_query($sql); // Add user role to group $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . " (group_id, forum_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting) VALUES ($group_id, 0, 0, $u_role, 0)"; $this->sql_query($sql); } // Insert new forum role $sql = 'SELECT role_id FROM ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . " WHERE role_name = 'ROLE_FORUM_NEW_MEMBER' AND role_type = 'f_'"; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $f_role = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('role_id'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!$f_role) { $sql = 'SELECT MAX(role_order) as max_order_id FROM ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . " WHERE role_type = 'f_'"; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $next_order_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('max_order_id'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $next_order_id++; $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_ROLES_TABLE . " (role_name, role_description, role_type, role_order) VALUES ('ROLE_FORUM_NEW_MEMBER', 'ROLE_DESCRIPTION_FORUM_NEW_MEMBER', 'f_', $next_order_id)"; $this->sql_query($sql); $f_role = $this->db->sql_nextid(); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE . " (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT $f_role, auth_option_id, 0 FROM " . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . " WHERE auth_option LIKE 'f_%' AND auth_option IN ('f_noapprove')"; $this->sql_query($sql); } // Set every members user_new column to 0 (old users) only if there is no one yet (this makes sure we do not execute this more than once) $sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE user_new = 0'; $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1); $row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!$row) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET user_new = 0'; $this->sql_query($sql); } // To mimick the old "feature" we will assign the forum role to every forum, regardless of the setting (this makes sure there are no "this does not work!!!! YUO!!!" posts... // Check if the role is already assigned... $sql = 'SELECT forum_id FROM ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . ' WHERE group_id = ' . $group_id . ' AND auth_role_id = ' . $f_role; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $is_options = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('forum_id'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); // Not assigned at all... :/ if (!$is_options) { // Get postable forums $sql = 'SELECT forum_id FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' WHERE forum_type != ' . FORUM_LINK; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $this->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . ' (group_id, forum_id, auth_option_id, auth_role_id, auth_setting) VALUES (' . $group_id . ', ' . (int) $row['forum_id'] . ', 0, ' . $f_role . ', 0)'); } $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); } // Clear permissions... include_once($this->phpbb_root_path . 'includes/acp/auth.' . $this->php_ext); $auth_admin = new \auth_admin(); $auth_admin->acl_clear_prefetch(); } }