* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ namespace phpbb\install\module\install_data\task; use phpbb\install\exception\resource_limit_reached_exception; class add_bots extends \phpbb\install\task_base { /** * A list of the web-crawlers/bots we recognise by default * * Candidates but not included: * 'Accoona [Bot]' 'Accoona-AI-Agent/' * 'ASPseek [Crawler]' 'ASPseek/' * 'Boitho [Crawler]' 'boitho.com-dc/' * 'Bunnybot [Bot]' 'powered by www.buncat.de' * 'Cosmix [Bot]' 'cfetch/' * 'Crawler Search [Crawler]' '.Crawler-Search.de' * 'Findexa [Crawler]' 'Findexa Crawler (' * 'GBSpider [Spider]' 'GBSpider v' * 'genie [Bot]' 'genieBot (' * 'Hogsearch [Bot]' 'oegp v. 1.3.0' * 'Insuranco [Bot]' 'InsurancoBot' * 'IRLbot [Bot]' 'http://irl.cs.tamu.edu/crawler' * 'ISC Systems [Bot]' 'ISC Systems iRc Search' * 'Jyxobot [Bot]' 'Jyxobot/' * 'Kraehe [Metasuche]' '-DIE-KRAEHE- META-SEARCH-ENGINE/' * 'LinkWalker' 'LinkWalker' * 'MMSBot [Bot]' 'http://www.mmsweb.at/bot.html' * 'Naver [Bot]' 'nhnbot@naver.com)' * 'NetResearchServer' 'NetResearchServer/' * 'Nimble [Crawler]' 'NimbleCrawler' * 'Ocelli [Bot]' 'Ocelli/' * 'Onsearch [Bot]' 'onCHECK-Robot' * 'Orange [Spider]' 'OrangeSpider' * 'Sproose [Bot]' 'http://www.sproose.com/bot' * 'Susie [Sync]' '!Susie (http://www.sync2it.com/susie)' * 'Tbot [Bot]' 'Tbot/' * 'Thumbshots [Capture]' 'thumbshots-de-Bot' * 'Vagabondo [Crawler]' 'http://webagent.wise-guys.nl/' * 'Walhello [Bot]' 'appie 1.1 (www.walhello.com)' * 'WissenOnline [Bot]' 'WissenOnline-Bot' * 'WWWeasel [Bot]' 'WWWeasel Robot v' * 'Xaldon [Spider]' 'Xaldon WebSpider' * * @var array */ protected $bot_list = array( 'AdsBot [Google]' => array('AdsBot-Google', ''), 'Alexa [Bot]' => array('ia_archiver', ''), 'Alta Vista [Bot]' => array('Scooter/', ''), 'Ask Jeeves [Bot]' => array('Ask Jeeves', ''), 'Baidu [Spider]' => array('Baiduspider', ''), 'Bing [Bot]' => array('bingbot/', ''), 'Exabot [Bot]' => array('Exabot', ''), 'FAST Enterprise [Crawler]' => array('FAST Enterprise Crawler', ''), 'FAST WebCrawler [Crawler]' => array('FAST-WebCrawler/', ''), 'Francis [Bot]' => array('http://www.neomo.de/', ''), 'Gigabot [Bot]' => array('Gigabot/', ''), 'Google Adsense [Bot]' => array('Mediapartners-Google', ''), 'Google Desktop' => array('Google Desktop', ''), 'Google Feedfetcher' => array('Feedfetcher-Google', ''), 'Google [Bot]' => array('Googlebot', ''), 'Heise IT-Markt [Crawler]' => array('heise-IT-Markt-Crawler', ''), 'Heritrix [Crawler]' => array('heritrix/1.', ''), 'IBM Research [Bot]' => array('ibm.com/cs/crawler', ''), 'ICCrawler - ICjobs' => array('ICCrawler - ICjobs', ''), 'ichiro [Crawler]' => array('ichiro/', ''), 'Majestic-12 [Bot]' => array('MJ12bot/', ''), 'Metager [Bot]' => array('MetagerBot/', ''), 'MSN NewsBlogs' => array('msnbot-NewsBlogs/', ''), 'MSN [Bot]' => array('msnbot/', ''), 'MSNbot Media' => array('msnbot-media/', ''), 'Nutch [Bot]' => array('http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/', ''), 'Online link [Validator]' => array('online link validator', ''), 'psbot [Picsearch]' => array('psbot/0', ''), 'Sensis [Crawler]' => array('Sensis Web Crawler', ''), 'SEO Crawler' => array('SEO search Crawler/', ''), 'Seoma [Crawler]' => array('Seoma [SEO Crawler]', ''), 'SEOSearch [Crawler]' => array('SEOsearch/', ''), 'Snappy [Bot]' => array('Snappy/1.1 ( http://www.urltrends.com/ )', ''), 'Steeler [Crawler]' => array('http://www.tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~crawler/', ''), 'Telekom [Bot]' => array('crawleradmin.t-info@telekom.de', ''), 'TurnitinBot [Bot]' => array('TurnitinBot/', ''), 'Voyager [Bot]' => array('voyager/', ''), 'W3 [Sitesearch]' => array('W3 SiteSearch Crawler', ''), 'W3C [Linkcheck]' => array('W3C-checklink/', ''), 'W3C [Validator]' => array('W3C_Validator', ''), 'YaCy [Bot]' => array('yacybot', ''), 'Yahoo MMCrawler [Bot]' => array('Yahoo-MMCrawler/', ''), 'Yahoo Slurp [Bot]' => array('Yahoo! DE Slurp', ''), 'Yahoo [Bot]' => array('Yahoo! Slurp', ''), 'YahooSeeker [Bot]' => array('YahooSeeker/', ''), ); /** * @var \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface */ protected $db; /** * @var \phpbb\install\helper\config */ protected $install_config; /** * @var \phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface */ protected $io_handler; /** * @var \phpbb\language\language */ protected $language; /** * @var string */ protected $phpbb_root_path; /** * @var string */ protected $php_ext; /** * Constructor * * @param \phpbb\install\helper\config $install_config Installer's config * @param \phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface $iohandler Input-output handler for the installer * @param \phpbb\install\helper\container_factory $container Installer's DI container * @param \phpbb\language\language $language Language provider * @param string $phpbb_root_path Relative path to phpBB root * @param string $php_ext PHP extension */ public function __construct(\phpbb\install\helper\config $install_config, \phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface $iohandler, \phpbb\install\helper\container_factory $container, \phpbb\language\language $language, $phpbb_root_path, $php_ext) { parent::__construct(true); $this->db = $container->get('dbal.conn'); $this->install_config = $install_config; $this->io_handler = $iohandler; $this->language = $language; $this->phpbb_root_path = $phpbb_root_path; $this->php_ext = $php_ext; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function run() { $this->db->sql_return_on_error(true); $sql = 'SELECT group_id FROM ' . GROUPS_TABLE . " WHERE group_name = 'BOTS'"; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $group_id = (int) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('group_id'); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!$group_id) { // If we reach this point then something has gone very wrong $this->io_handler->add_error_message('NO_GROUP'); } $i = $this->install_config->get('add_bot_index', 0); $bot_list = array_slice($this->bot_list, $i); foreach ($bot_list as $bot_name => $bot_ary) { $user_row = array( 'user_type' => USER_IGNORE, 'group_id' => $group_id, 'username' => $bot_name, 'user_regdate' => time(), 'user_password' => '', 'user_colour' => '9E8DA7', 'user_email' => '', 'user_lang' => $this->install_config->get('default_lang'), 'user_style' => 1, 'user_timezone' => 'UTC', 'user_dateformat' => $this->language->lang('default_dateformat'), 'user_allow_massemail' => 0, 'user_allow_pm' => 0, ); if (!function_exists('user_add')) { include($this->phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.' . $this->php_ext); } $user_id = user_add($user_row); if (!$user_id) { // If we can't insert this user then continue to the next one to avoid inconsistent data $this->io_handler->add_error_message('CONV_ERROR_INSERT_BOT'); $i++; continue; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . BOTS_TABLE . ' ' . $this->db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array( 'bot_active' => 1, 'bot_name' => (string) $bot_name, 'user_id' => (int) $user_id, 'bot_agent' => (string) $bot_ary[0], 'bot_ip' => (string) $bot_ary[1], )); $this->db->sql_query($sql); $i++; // Stop execution if resource limit is reached if ($this->install_config->get_time_remaining() <= 0 || $this->install_config->get_memory_remaining() <= 0) { break; } } $this->install_config->set('add_bot_index', $i); if ($i < sizeof($this->bot_list)) { throw new resource_limit_reached_exception(); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ static public function get_step_count() { return 1; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function get_task_lang_name() { return 'TASK_ADD_BOTS'; } }