* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) * * For full copyright and license information, please see * the docs/CREDITS.txt file. * */ namespace phpbb\install\module\install_finish\task; use phpbb\install\exception\resource_limit_reached_exception; /** * Installs extensions that exist in ext folder upon install */ class install_extensions extends \phpbb\install\task_base { /** * @var \phpbb\install\helper\config */ protected $install_config; /** * @var \phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface */ protected $iohandler; /** * @var \phpbb\config\db */ protected $config; /** * @var \phpbb\log\log_interface */ protected $log; /** * @var \phpbb\user */ protected $user; /** @var \phpbb\extension\manager */ protected $extension_manager; /** @var \Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder */ protected $finder; /** @var string Extension table */ protected $extension_table; /** @var \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface */ protected $db; /** * Constructor * * @param \phpbb\install\helper\container_factory $container * @param \phpbb\install\helper\config $install_config * @param \phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface $iohandler * @param string $phpbb_root_path phpBB root path */ public function __construct(\phpbb\install\helper\container_factory $container, \phpbb\install\helper\config $install_config, \phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface $iohandler, $phpbb_root_path) { $this->install_config = $install_config; $this->iohandler = $iohandler; $this->extension_table = $container->get_parameter('tables.ext'); $this->log = $container->get('log'); $this->user = $container->get('user'); $this->extension_manager = $container->get('ext.manager'); $this->config = $container->get('config'); $this->db = $container->get('dbal.conn'); $this->finder = new \Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder(); $this->finder->in($phpbb_root_path . 'ext/') ->ignoreUnreadableDirs() ->depth('< 3') ->files() ->name('composer.json'); // Make sure asset version exists in config. Otherwise we might try to // insert the assets_version setting into the database and cause a // duplicate entry error. if (!isset($this->config['assets_version'])) { $this->config['assets_version'] = 0; } parent::__construct(true); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function run() { $this->user->session_begin(); $this->user->setup(array('common', 'acp/common', 'cli')); $install_extensions = $this->iohandler->get_input('install-extensions', array()); $all_available_extensions = $this->extension_manager->all_available(); $i = $this->install_config->get('install_extensions_index', 0); $available_extensions = array_slice($all_available_extensions, $i); // Install extensions foreach ($available_extensions as $ext_name => $ext_path) { if (!empty($install_extensions) && $install_extensions !== ['all'] && !in_array($ext_name, $install_extensions)) { continue; } try { $this->extension_manager->enable($ext_name); $extensions = $this->get_extensions(); if (isset($extensions[$ext_name]) && $extensions[$ext_name]['ext_active']) { // Create log $this->log->add('admin', ANONYMOUS, '', 'LOG_EXT_ENABLE', time(), array($ext_name)); $this->iohandler->add_success_message(array('CLI_EXTENSION_ENABLE_SUCCESS', $ext_name)); } else { $this->iohandler->add_log_message(array('CLI_EXTENSION_ENABLE_FAILURE', $ext_name)); } } catch (\Exception $e) { // Add fail log and continue $this->iohandler->add_log_message(array('CLI_EXTENSION_ENABLE_FAILURE', $ext_name)); } $i++; // Stop execution if resource limit is reached if ($this->install_config->get_time_remaining() <= 0 || $this->install_config->get_memory_remaining() <= 0) { break; } } $this->install_config->set('install_extensions_index', $i); if ($i < sizeof($all_available_extensions)) { throw new resource_limit_reached_exception(); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ static public function get_step_count() { return 1; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function get_task_lang_name() { return 'TASK_INSTALL_EXTENSIONS'; } /** * Get extensions from database * * @return array List of extensions */ private function get_extensions() { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->extension_table; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $extensions_row = $this->db->sql_fetchrowset($result); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $extensions = array(); foreach ($extensions_row as $extension) { $extensions[$extension['ext_name']] = $extension; } ksort($extensions); return $extensions; } }